Spider man said…
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
My father said, “Be quiet or I’ll chain your soul
And take the sun and moon away as well.”
Spider man said…
“ This is my gift, my curse.”
My father said, “Be quiet or I’ll chain your soul
And take the sun and moon away as well.”
The devil said to my father…
“Come be my guest, and wear this god’s vest.”
Now with his vest he crawls every corner, near and far.
The dark wind sent his message to the people…
“Listen to me, I’ll save your souls.
I’ll kill all the sinners and those who’d
Make you and your children one.”
And the land turned red, and the devils feast.
A lot of sinners killed and a lot who aren’t too.
Death was on tour, taking the old and those less than four.
This is his gift, this is our curse.
Some joined the feast, some chose silence;
The others wear god’s vest to put some more to rest.
Hypocrisy has become a demanding commodity.
Phot credit: https://pixabay.com/en/comics-spiderman-comic-cartoons-1982767/
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